Haxe is a multi-platform strictly typed object-oriented programming language. It can be compiled both to Javascript and JVM bytecode.
Category Archives: JVM Language
Gremlin is a domain specific language for traversing graphs. Graphs are data structures where there exists vertices (i.e. dots, nodes) and edges (i.e. lines, arcs). Gremlin was designed to work with a type of graph called a property graph. Property graphs are defined, in detail, in the Defining a Property Graph section of this documentation. By using Gremlin, it is possible make use of a REPL (command line/console) to interactively traverse a graph.
This is a Java-based JavaScript interpreter which runs smoothly in any J2ME phones. The binary size of the core engine is less than 25K (obfuscated & JAR’ed) with full (almost) js language feature included. It can be integrated into any J2ME apps.
yaji is Yet Another Javascript Interpreter written in Java.
Compiler for the Tiger Programming Language. From the reference manual on Tiger: “This document describes the Tiger language defined in Andrew Appel’s book Modern Compiler Implementation in Java (Cambridge University Press, 1998). The Tiger language is a small, imperative language with integer and string variables, arrays, records, and nested functions. Its syntax resembles some functional languages.”
tortuguita is a Logo interpreter implemented in Java
Frege is a non-strict, pure functional programming language in the spirit of Haskell. It enjoys a strong static type system with type inference. Higher rank types are supported, though type annotations are required for that. Frege programs are compiled to Java and run in a JVM. Existing Java Classes and Methods can be used seamlessly from Frege. Frege is not a Haskell dialect, though some effort has been expended to make it look and feel like so.
In the Genyris programming paradigm objects can belong to multiple classes independent from construction. Indentation reduces parentheses yet retains the power of Lisp. External Java libraries can be imported.
QuiXProc is an open source implementation of XProc. The authors want QuiXProc to become a mainstream tool to process Structured and Unstructured Data, preserving high quality, high throughput, and low resources consumption.
Ateji PX
Ateji PX is an extension of Java for parallel programs. It adds a || operator for statement and data parallelism and ! and ? operators for message passing. It is implemented as an Eclipse plugin that precompiles the code.