Haxe is a multi-platform strictly typed object-oriented programming language. It can be compiled both to Javascript and JVM bytecode.
Tag Archives: Object-oriented
In the Genyris programming paradigm objects can belong to multiple classes independent from construction. Indentation reduces parentheses yet retains the power of Lisp. External Java libraries can be imported.
Ceylon is a general-purpose, imperative, statically-typed, block-structured, object-oriented, higher-order language featuring a syntax similar to Java and C#, and a type system based on the notion of principal types. It claims to be a programming language for writing large programs in a team environment, being highly readable, typesafe, and easy to learn for programmers who are familiar with mainstream languages used in business computing. Ceylon has a full-featured Eclipse-based development environment, allowing developers to take best advantage of the powerful static type system. Programs written in Ceylon execute on any JVM.
Kotlin is a statically-typed JVM-targeted programming language intended for industrial use.
The Virgil Programming Language is designed for building robust, flexible, and scalable software systems on embedded hardware platforms. Virgil builds on ideas from object-oriented, statically typed languages like Java, providing a clean, consistent source language. Its compiler system provides an efficient implementation for resource-constrained environments.
Meta Programming System MPS
The major goal of MPS is to allow extending languages to generate domain specific languages. MPS originally includes a ready-to-use universal language called BaseLanguage, which can itself be used to create programs. However, the right way to use MPS is to extend BaseLanguage and create new languages. MPS comes with several helpful extensions to BaseLanguage for working with strings, collections, dates, regular expressions, etc. In creating a language, you define the rules for code editing and rendering. You can also specify the language type-system and constraints. This allows MPS to verify program code on the fly, and thus makes programming with the new language easy and less error-prone. You can also define generators for their language to transform code in the custom language to compilable code in some conventional language. Currently, MPS is particularly good for, but is not limited to, generating Java code. You can also generate XML, HTML, JavaScript, and more.
A port of the prototype-based programming Io programming language to Javascript.
E is a programming language designed to make it easy to write distributed programs that are correct and secure. As a pure-Java library, ELib provides for inter-process capability-secure distributed programming. Its cryptographic capability protocol enables mutually suspicious Java processes to cooperate safely, and its event-loop concurrency and promise pipelining enable high performance deadlock free distributed pure-object computing. Objects written in the E language are only able to interact with other objects according to ELib’s semantics, enabling object granularity intra-process security, including the ability to safely run untrusted mobile code
Objective-J is a new programming language based on Objective-C. It is a superset of JavaScript, which means that any valid JavaScript code is also valid Objective-J code. Objective-J objects are a special type of native object added by Objective-J. These new objects are based on classes and classical inheritance, like C++ or Java, instead of the prototypical model. Objective-J is part of Cappuccino, an open source application framework for developing applications that look and feel like the desktop software users are familiar with.
redline Smalltalk
Redline Smalltalk is an implementation of the Smalltalk programming language for the Java Virtual Machine. You will be able to call Smalltalk from Java and Java from Smalltalk. The bytecode generation layer will be decoupled so another generator for another target could be “plugged” in if the JVM isn’t for you.