Its author claims that “Alef++ is a new programming language like Perl and Lisp syntax, with a many changing in classical languages designs”. It is proposed as a dynamic language is based in Java Virual Machine and designed to OO-Style programmers. It is claimed to have a new design for flow controls, an easy manipulaction for arrays and hashs, many styles for subroutines, a crazy syntax and to be designed just for fun.
Tag Archives: Perl
perljvm, the Perl to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Compiler tries to support the Perl language natively on the JVM without needing the C perl system around.
Resin weaves Java components to HTML with JavaScript and the Java Server Pages (JSP) interface. Resin conforms to the Servlet interface and can be used with the major web servers, including Apache. Amongst other features, it implements the bulk of ECMA-262, the EcmaScript standard, implements JavaScript 1.3 features, extends regular expressions with Perl 5 syntax and compiles scripts directly to JVM bytecodes.
Sleep is the Simple Language for Environment Extension Purposes. Sleep is a small language with perl-like syntax for integration into Java applications. The attribute that makes Sleep different is it allows an application developer to develop “bridges”. A bridge is a very simple class for adding new functions, predicates, operators, and even keywords for binding blocks of code. Sleep is easily extendable to make an application’s features available to end-user scripters.