Frege is a non-strict, pure functional programming language in the spirit of Haskell. It enjoys a strong static type system with type inference. Higher rank types are supported, though type annotations are required for that. Frege programs are compiled to Java and run in a JVM. Existing Java Classes and Methods can be used seamlessly from Frege. Frege is not a Haskell dialect, though some effort has been expended to make it look and feel like so.
Tag Archives: Functional
In the Genyris programming paradigm objects can belong to multiple classes independent from construction. Indentation reduces parentheses yet retains the power of Lisp. External Java libraries can be imported.
BiwaScheme is a Scheme interpreter written in JavaScript.
fun4j is a framework that integrates major concepts from functional programming into the Java Platform. It also provides seamless integration of Java with Lisp coding, by using a lisp-to-bytecode compiler.
This is a Clojure to JavaScript compiler which is written in Closure which is executed on a JVM.
Online Cat Interpreter
JavaScript implementation of the Cat programming language by Christopher Diggins, with contributions from Takashi Yamamiya, and the excellent open-source JavaScript vector graphics library from Walter Zorn. This interpreter only supports a very small subset of the Cat language. Cat is a functional stack-based programming language inspired by the Joy programming language.
Haskell in Javascript
A haskell interpreter in javascript. It seems to be the masters thesis of the author Mattis Jeppsson. Documentation is in the rapport directory.
Greebo is a multi-paradigm programming language that borrows on concepts from Lisp, Dylan, Lua or IO. Some features are tail recursion optimization, both lexical and dynamic closures, zero special forms (‘def’ or ‘if’ can be used like any other procedure), first-class environments whose bindings and properties may be manipulated at wish, powerful macros, literal indexers and slices for anything that is a collection and more.
Combinatory Logic Interpreter
A Combinatory Logic Interpreter for the simplest language possible: both functions and data are represented by combinators, built up from S and K by application.