Luck is a simple language which is compiled into Java code. Newest version 3.0
Category Archives: Link broken
The documentation names these features: G is a superset of Java, G and Java can work together, Variable types are implied when declared and initialized, Automatic type casting, Store and send functions as parameters, Script classes, context, loading and calling, Template Strings: Strings with embedded expressions, Dynamic Dispatch: Runtime method invocation and field access
Hojo (Higer-Order functions & JavaTM Objects) is an interpreted language, which provides a high-level, dynamic interface to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on which it is run. Hojo allows higer-order functions, contains full syntactical support for collections, maps and arbitrary-precision numbers, and provides a wide range of automatical type conversions, as well as some additional built-in operators. The lexical syntax of the language can be dynamically configured through a meta language, such that e.g. custom operators can be defined.
Foo is a “new” language, and its interpreter. The main caracteristics are: Full object-orientation, Dynamic message, Written in Java, Full integration inside the JVM. It will be usefull to write small scripts and to build quickly a prototype, and it can be easily embedded inside any application.
The UncommonLisp Interpreter
The UncommonLisp Interpreter contains a functionally complete set of Lisp primitives in less than two thousand lines of Java. It delegates the implementation of higher level Lisp functions to Lisp itself, thereby bootstrapping the interpreter to implement some of its own functionality.
Lambda Calculus Interpreter
A simple Lambda Calculus Interpreter, using call-by-name semantics. The language is pretty much Church’s simple untyped lambda calculus, the only concession for usefulness is the addition of numbers.
LispkitLISP Compiler
The LispkitLISP Compiler is written in SECD byte-codes. It takes a LISP source file and compiles it into SECD byte-codes. The SECD virtual machine is used to execute both the compiler and the compiled programs.
JBasic is a (see note) embeddable BASIC interpreter written entirely in Java. JBasic is designed for scripting Java Beans at runtime. You can embed JBasic in any Java application, applet or bean using the JBasic Runtime Engine. (NOTE: I have received a mail from Mike Lehman referring to some legal stuff that this is not the first embeddable BASIC – if you care about such important notions…)
Mike Lehman’s HotTEA is an implementation of the BASIC language written in Java.