Jasmin is a Java Assembler Interface. It takes ASCII descriptions for Java classes, written in a simple assembler-like syntax and using the Java Virtual Machine instruction set. It converts them into binary Java class files suitable for loading into a Java interpreter. Jasmin was written as the companion to the book “Java Virtual Machine”, soon to be published by O’Reilly, written by Troy Downing and Jonathan Meyer.
Category Archives: JVM Language
The Javaa Bytecode Assembler is a program that converts code written in “Java Assembly Language” into a valid Java .class file.
Jamaica, the JVM Macro Assembler, is an assembly language for JVM bytecode programming. It uses Java syntax to define a JVM class except for the method body that takes bytecode instructions, including Jamaica‘s built-in macros. In Jamaica, bytecode instructions use mnemonics and symbolic names for all variables, parameters, data fields, constants and labels. Jamaica is a simplified JVM assembly language. It does not support inner classes. Variables are all method-wide and are strongly-typed. Jamaica is a language facade for a Java class creation API, JavaClassCreator. This API closely mimics the Jamaica language, allows users to define a Java class with the same flow, and supports all the Jamaica instruction set and macros.
j80xx is a universal pluggable i80xx assembler emulator/interpreter. It has open architecture so it can be easily extended to emulate any kind of processor..
z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler
z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler and Emulator.