Frege is a non-strict, pure functional programming language in the spirit of Haskell. It enjoys a strong static type system with type inference. Higher rank types are supported, though type annotations are required for that. Frege programs are compiled to Java and run in a JVM. Existing Java Classes and Methods can be used seamlessly from Frege. Frege is not a Haskell dialect, though some effort has been expended to make it look and feel like so.
Tag Archives: Haskell
Haskell in Javascript
A haskell interpreter in javascript. It seems to be the masters thesis of the author Mattis Jeppsson. Documentation is in the rapport directory.
CAL is a lazy functional language influenced by Haskell. It has an expressionbased syntax akin to other formula languages (such as those found in Excel and Crystal Reports). It also features a powerful and flexible type system which allows the compiler to perform precise compile-time checking of function calls. In addition, it has a simple syntax for accessing Java objects, methods, and fields from within CAL.
ycr2js: Haskell in JavaScript
The York Haskell Compiler Core to Javascript Converter (ycr2js) is aimed to create a tool that generates Javascript out of a binary Yhc core file. The Yhc compiler generally produces a binary bytecode file (usually named with .hbc extension) for each Haskell module compiled. These bytecode files are to be interpreted by yhi, a command-line bytecode interpreter. The ycr2js program reads the binary core file specified (.yca or .ycr), and performs conversion of Haskell functions compiled into Core to their Javascript representation storing the generated Javascript code in a file. Resulting Javascript may be embedded on a (X)HTML page to be loaded into a Web browser.