Gremlin is a domain specific language for traversing graphs. Graphs are data structures where there exists vertices (i.e. dots, nodes) and edges (i.e. lines, arcs). Gremlin was designed to work with a type of graph called a property graph. Property graphs are defined, in detail, in the Defining a Property Graph section of this documentation. By using Gremlin, it is possible make use of a REPL (command line/console) to interactively traverse a graph.
Tag Archives: Scripting
This is a Java-based JavaScript interpreter which runs smoothly in any J2ME phones. The binary size of the core engine is less than 25K (obfuscated & JAR’ed) with full (almost) js language feature included. It can be integrated into any J2ME apps.
yaji is Yet Another Javascript Interpreter written in Java.
MoonScript is a dynamic scripting language that compiles into Lua. MoonScript provides a clean syntax using significant whitespace that avoids all the keyword noise typically seen in a Lua script. It also adds table comprehensions, implicit return on functions, classes, inheritance, scope management statements import & export, and a convenient object creation statement called with.
CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. It is basically just JavaScript, but without those braces and semicolons.
XION is an xTalk language similar to the ones used by HyperCard, SuperCard, and Runtime Revolution. OpenXION (OH-pen-EK-shun) is the reference implementation of the XION scripting language, an open standard. The authors claim: “XION (EK-shun) is a kind of scripting language that enables ordinary people to do extraordinary things. You do not need to learn a bunch of cryptic symbols and how to put them in exactly the right places in order to tell your computer what to do. Since XION has been created to resemble natural English, all you need is a basic understanding of the English language.”
The JavaFX Script programming language lets you create modern looking applications with sophisticated graphical user interfaces. It was designed from the ground up to make GUI programming easy; its declarative syntax, data binding model, animation support, and built-in visual effects let you accomplish more work with less code, resulting in shorter development cycles and increased productivity.
Tuga is a small, opinionated, statically-typed scripting language that is oriented around OOP and getting things done. It has some aspects of Ruby, Python, Java, and ECMAScript but aims to be better than all these at building large-scale systems while still being good for quick scripts.
June is what ordinary Java could look like if it were simpler, more reliable, and disguised as a scripting language.
xsltxt provides an alternative non-xml syntax for XSLT stylesheets that is easier to write, understand and maintain. The semantics of xsltxt are the same as XSLT written in XML, only the syntax is changed, and the standard javax.xml.transform
APIs are used to perform the actual transformations.