Gosu is an is object oriented, statically typed language which claims to be 100% compatible with Java. It features type inference, supports closures and aims to provide simplified generics.
Category Archives: JVM Language
AmbientTalk is an experimental object-oriented distributed programming language primarily targeted at writing programs deployed in mobile ad hoc networks. The language’s concurrency features are founded on the actor model and have been largely influenced by the E programming language. The language’s object-oriented features find their influence in languages like Smalltalk (i.e. block closures, keyworded messages) and Self (prototype-based programming, delegation). Finally, the language has a functional core, inspired by Scheme and Pico. The current implementation of AmbientTalk embraces the JVM as a platform. It’s easy for AmbientTalk programs to use Java libraries, and it’s easy for Java objects to use AmbientTalk as an embedded scripting language.
A Java interpreter for a lisp like language.
jmai Java Micro-AWK Interpreter
A Java Micro-AWK Interperter written for a CS course.
Scheme (dialect of Lisp) interpreter written in Java.
XION is an xTalk language similar to the ones used by HyperCard, SuperCard, and Runtime Revolution. OpenXION (OH-pen-EK-shun) is the reference implementation of the XION scripting language, an open standard. The authors claim: “XION (EK-shun) is a kind of scripting language that enables ordinary people to do extraordinary things. You do not need to learn a bunch of cryptic symbols and how to put them in exactly the right places in order to tell your computer what to do. Since XION has been created to resemble natural English, all you need is a basic understanding of the English language.”
jContractor is a 100% pure Java implementation of Design By Contract for the Java language. Contracts are written as methods that follow a simple naming convention. jContractor provides runtime contract checking by instrumenting the bytecode of classes that define contracts. jContractor can either add contract checking code to class files to be executed later, or it can instrument classes at runtime as they are loaded. All contracts are written in standard Java.
Mirah (nee Duby) is a new experimental language born out of the JRuby project. In order to make implementing Ruby on the JVM easier and more approachable for Java and Ruby developers alike.
Mirah’s design is centered around a few simple principals: Platform-agnostic, Free from concrete decisions about the back-end type system, code generation, or other details are specified by the outward language. This means roughly similar scripts could conceivably compile to any number of type systems and runtimes. In this sense, Mirah is more of a rough coupling of Ruby-like syntax with a pluggable type-inference and compilation pipeline.
The JavaFX Script programming language lets you create modern looking applications with sophisticated graphical user interfaces. It was designed from the ground up to make GUI programming easy; its declarative syntax, data binding model, animation support, and built-in visual effects let you accomplish more work with less code, resulting in shorter development cycles and increased productivity.
Faun project is yet another PHP interpreter in Java. It allows interpretation of PHP code within JVM in Java applications. Parsing is based on ANTLR grammar.