Blockly is a web-based, graphical programming editor. Users can drag blocks together to build an application.
Tag Archives: Imperative
Compiler for the Tiger Programming Language. From the reference manual on Tiger: “This document describes the Tiger language defined in Andrew Appel’s book Modern Compiler Implementation in Java (Cambridge University Press, 1998). The Tiger language is a small, imperative language with integer and string variables, arrays, records, and nested functions. Its syntax resembles some functional languages.”
Ceylon is a general-purpose, imperative, statically-typed, block-structured, object-oriented, higher-order language featuring a syntax similar to Java and C#, and a type system based on the notion of principal types. It claims to be a programming language for writing large programs in a team environment, being highly readable, typesafe, and easy to learn for programmers who are familiar with mainstream languages used in business computing. Ceylon has a full-featured Eclipse-based development environment, allowing developers to take best advantage of the powerful static type system. Programs written in Ceylon execute on any JVM.
Frink is a practical calculating tool and programming language designed to make physical calculations simple. It tracks units of measure (feet, meters, kilograms, watts, etc.) through all calculations, allowing you to mix units of measure transparently.
The goal of the jmodula project is to compile and execute Module programs on the JVM. It also will provide a eclipse plugin for developing modula code in eclipse.
pascal4j is a translator from Pascal to Jasmin, a JVM assembler.
compiler-hopper is a compiler for the language Grace.
minilax-to-jasmin is a Minilax to Jasmin Java Assembler compile. Minilax looks like a Basic dialect.
Pascal interpreter in Java
The Pascal interpreter in Java is an ongoing project which has already implemented a core of Pascal with some interesting extensions like a plugin interface to call java code from pascal programs.
Component Pascal
Gardens Point Component Pascal (gpcp) is an implementation of the Component Pascal Language. Component Pascal is Oberon microsystems’ refinement of the Oberon-2 language. Component Pascal is a general-purpose language in the tradition of Pascal, Modula-2 and Oberon. Its most important features are block structure, modularity, separate compilation, static typing with strong type checking (also across module boundaries), type extension with methods, dynamic loading of modules, and garbage collection.