A free compiler that translates a subset of Pascal ISO7185 into bytecode for the JVM.
Tag Archives: Pascal
pascal4j is a translator from Pascal to Jasmin, a JVM assembler.
Pascal interpreter in Java
The Pascal interpreter in Java is an ongoing project which has already implemented a core of Pascal with some interesting extensions like a plugin interface to call java code from pascal programs.
Component Pascal
Gardens Point Component Pascal (gpcp) is an implementation of the Component Pascal Language. Component Pascal is Oberon microsystems’ refinement of the Oberon-2 language. Component Pascal is a general-purpose language in the tradition of Pascal, Modula-2 and Oberon. Its most important features are block structure, modularity, separate compilation, static typing with strong type checking (also across module boundaries), type extension with methods, dynamic loading of modules, and garbage collection.
Component Pascal
Component Pascal is a Pascal derivative specifically designed for programming software components. It provides enhanced programming safety through an advanced type system.
ePascal is interpreter of pascal programming language with own memory management. It was created for education purposes to learn algorithmic thinking of students of high schools. Syntax is closer to Delphi object pascal, but without object support.
Canterbury Pascal for Java
The Canterbury Pascal for Java compiler is implemented in Java and generates plain Java. The evaluation versions is time-limited and has some language restrictions. An unrestricted version can now be ordered.