tortuguita is a Logo interpreter implemented in Java
Tag Archives: Logo
papert: a Logo interpreter in JavaScript
Papert is a logo interpreter in JavaScript with turtle graphics.
repiola is a software written in java that allows to program a “virtual machine” that draws on a surface. This software is similar to logo but with a assembler-like syntax. It includes a virtual machine that executes opcodes, an interpreter that translates the assembler-like language to opcodes and frontends for desktop (swing) and mobile (j2me).
Logo Interpreter
A logo interpreter writtein JavaScript with a nice graphical turtle.
Yoyo is a programming language loosely based on Logo. Since it integrates Java, however, many of the more advanced features require knowledge of Java and how its APIs work. (Was formely called Bongo)
rLogo is an easy to learn programming language designed for the World Wide Web. It is based on the Logo programming language.
Turtle Tracks
Turtle Tracks is a modern Logo interpreter and runtime environment written entirely in Java. It is not a direct port of an existing interpreter, but written from the ground up specifically for Java, and designed to take advantage of the strengths of Java as a platform. Turtle Tracks is platform-independent and Internet-ready, and supports numerous advanced features such as multithreading and networking. Unlike some similar Java-based projects, Turtle Tracks is a complete implementation of true Logo, supporting the same basic language syntax and semantics and most of the same primitives as other common Logo implementations such as Berkeley Logo. It also supports plug-in primitive sets and can be integrated with outside Java code as a scripting language.
StarLogo is a programmable modeling environment for exploring the workings of decentralized systems — systems that are organized without an organizer, coordinated without a coordinator. With StarLogo, you can model (and gain insights into) many real-life phenomena, such as bird flocks, traffic jams, ant colonies, and market economies. StarLogo is a specialized version of the Logo programming language. With traditional versions of Logo, you can create drawings and animations by giving commands to graphic “turtles” on the computer screen. StarLogo extends this idea by allowing you to control thousands of graphic turtles in parallel. In addition, StarLogo makes the turtles’ world computationally active: you can write programs for thousands of “patches” that make up the turtles’ environment. Turtles and patches can interact with one another — for example, you can program the turtles to “sniff” around the world, and change their behaviors based on what they sense in the patches below.
AJLogo is an implementation of Logo written in Java with about 400 primitives.
NetLogo is a cross-platform multi-agent programmable modeling environment. NetLogo is particularly well suited for modeling complex systems developing over time. Modelers can give instructions to hundreds or thousands of independent “agents” all operating concurrently. This makes it possible to explore the connection between the micro-level behavior of individuals and the macro-level patterns that emerge from the interaction of many individuals.