The choice of instructions and some of the implementations of the composite functions were taken from Roger Rohrbach’s Lisp in Awk interpreter. The syntax is standard, and only integer arithmetic is available. Primarily because it is easy to implement, scoping is dynamic as in original Lisp and unlike modern Lisp or Scheme.
Category Archives: JavaScript language
sariendotnet: An adventure game interpreter written in JavaScript is a browser-based interpreter for adventure games published by Sierra On-Line in the 1980’s. These games involve titles such as Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest and Police Quest. The javascript interpeter was written from scratch, and uses ported bits of the original Sarien interpreter.
jsmeta A meta-language environment on JavaScript 1.5
An object/meta-language environment for JavaScript. Hosts an implementation of Microsoft’s M modeling/programming language.
Programming languages for JavaScript
This is a collection of programming language implementations written in JavaScript. Having an interpreter for some language in JavaScript makes it executable in basically any Web-Browser. This is interesting at least for educational purposes. The list is updated whenever I run across something new or whenever you drop me a comment with a hint on a new implementation.
Robert Tolksdorf, Networked Information Systems, FU Berlin, is-research.
(Programming languages for the Java Virtual Machine is a list of programming languages for the Java virtual machine aside of Java itself)
js-scheme: A Scheme interpreter written in JavaScript
js-scheme is a Scheme interpreter written in JavaScript.