Wikipedia describes “Objective-J is a programming language developed as part of the Cappuccino web development framework. Its syntax is nearly identical to the Objective-C syntax and it shares with JavaScript the same relationship that Objective-C has with the C programming language: that of being a strict, but small, superset; adding traditional inheritance and Smalltalk/Objective-C style dynamic dispatch. Pure JavaScript, being a prototype-based language, already has a notion of object orientation and inheritance, but Objective-J adds the use of class-based programming to JavaScript”
Category Archives: JavaScript language
ycr2js: Haskell in JavaScript
The York Haskell Compiler Core to Javascript Converter (ycr2js) is aimed to create a tool that generates Javascript out of a binary Yhc core file. The Yhc compiler generally produces a binary bytecode file (usually named with .hbc extension) for each Haskell module compiled. These bytecode files are to be interpreted by yhi, a command-line bytecode interpreter. The ycr2js program reads the binary core file specified (.yca or .ycr), and performs conversion of Haskell functions compiled into Core to their Javascript representation storing the generated Javascript code in a file. Resulting Javascript may be embedded on a (X)HTML page to be loaded into a Web browser.
Monash Toy Prolog
A client-side version of Prolog using Javascript.
Cat: a postfix language
A JavaScript implementation of the Cat programming language. Cat is a postfix language, this means that arithmetic operations are written so that operators follow their operands.
Prolog in Javascript
This prolog is enhanced with the JavaScript callout capability though a rudimentary external/3 call.
jsforth: Forth in JavaScript
jsforth is a Forth which has been implemented in JavaScript, using a web browser as host platform.
ngbasic: BASIC for Javascript
NG-BASIC is a BASIC interpreter written in Javascript. This means it is basically platform independent, and can run on any pc with a web browser! NGbasic includes a virtual filesystem that hosts a few test-programs and works-in-progress and registered users will be able to log in and load and save their programs! Use NGbasic to learn computer programming and experience the language that started it all!
Applesoft BASIC Interpreter in Javascript
Now, this reminds me of my first computer and my first programming… As you see, this interpretes the good old Apple Basic
LispScript – Lisp to Javascript compiler
This adds an interesting flavour to all the Lisps in JavaScript. LispScript is a Common Lisp program that translates Lisp programs into Javascript. It’s extremely simple at the moment, but has support for basic arithmetic functions, defun, IF, macros, and LET. It currently works with CLISP.
Yet another Lisp Interpreter in JavaScript
Here is yet another Lisp interpreter. It would be interesting to see some comparison amongst the ones referenced here.