A port of the prototype-based programming Io programming language to Javascript.
Category Archives: JavaScript language
E is a programming language designed to make it easy to write distributed programs that are correct and secure. As a pure-Java library, ELib provides for inter-process capability-secure distributed programming. Its cryptographic capability protocol enables mutually suspicious Java processes to cooperate safely, and its event-loop concurrency and promise pipelining enable high performance deadlock free distributed pure-object computing. Objects written in the E language are only able to interact with other objects according to ELib’s semantics, enabling object granularity intra-process security, including the ability to safely run untrusted mobile code
Objective-J is a new programming language based on Objective-C. It is a superset of JavaScript, which means that any valid JavaScript code is also valid Objective-J code. Objective-J objects are a special type of native object added by Objective-J. These new objects are based on classes and classical inheritance, like C++ or Java, instead of the prototypical model. Objective-J is part of Cappuccino, an open source application framework for developing applications that look and feel like the desktop software users are familiar with.
StratifiedJS extends the JavaScript language with a small number of keywords for concurrent programming. It allows you to express asynchronous control flow in a straightforward, structured sequential style.
Online Cat Interpreter
JavaScript implementation of the Cat programming language by Christopher Diggins, with contributions from Takashi Yamamiya, and the excellent open-source JavaScript vector graphics library from Walter Zorn. This interpreter only supports a very small subset of the Cat language. Cat is a functional stack-based programming language inspired by the Joy programming language.
HQ9+ was designed by Cliff L Biffle, who wanted a language where the canonical programs (Hello World, 99 Bottles Of Beer and a quine) were easy to write. The language has four instructions — H, Q, 9 and + — which may occur in either uppercase or lowercase, as shown in the example in the specification. The specification does not define the behaviour of unknown instructions, and this interpreter ignores unknown instructions.
Emscripten is an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler. It takes LLVM bitcode (which can be generated from C/C++, using llvm-gcc or clang, or any other language that can be converted into LLVM) and compiles that into JavaScript, which can be run on the web (or anywhere else JavaScript can run). Example demos are Python – CPython compiled to JavaScript and Lua – The Lua interpreter.
Little Scheme in JavaScript
The final chapter of The Little Schemer is a Little Scheme interpreter, capable of evaluating most of the expressions in the book. It can use your own JavaScript functions as Scheme primitives, so you can add new JavaScript capability without modifying the interpreter. It runs in a web page, so you can execute your Scheme programs in any web browser. Just type your well-formed functions into the input box, press the big fat
button, and see the result in the output box.
Haskell in Javascript
A haskell interpreter in javascript. It seems to be the masters thesis of the author Mattis Jeppsson. Documentation is in the rapport directory.
FALSE Language Interpreter
An interpreter for yet another rather esoteric language in JavaScript