minilax-to-jasmin is a Minilax to Jasmin Java Assembler compile. Minilax looks like a Basic dialect.
Tag Archives: Basic
ipplesoftbasic BASIC interpreter in JavaScript
ippleSoft BASIC is a free BASIC interpreter written entirely in JavaScript. The dialect supported is (a large subset of) AppleSoft BASIC.
TRS-80 Model 1 BASIC
The applet is an interpreter for TRS-80 Model 1 BASIC. Note that it is a BASIC interpreter, not a TRS-80 emulator; thus, the hardware-specific commands (PEEK, POKE, etc.) do not work.
Applet Designer
Applet Designer is a Visual Basic add-in that converts new or existing VB applications into Java applets.
COCOA a is simple BASIC interpreter written in Java. It’s a primitive BASIC, uses line numbers, implements most of BASIC-80. Note: I do not know why it uses the same name as the Cocoa Logo. commented on that: “Java as in coffee, is for grown-ups. Basic 80 is a beginner’s language, and Logo is aimed at kids. It is therefore unsurprising to me that each has a version named after a hot brown drink often given to children.”
JavaBasic is a line command interpreter, loosely using the BASIC command set.
JBasic is a (see note) embeddable BASIC interpreter written entirely in Java. JBasic is designed for scripting Java Beans at runtime. You can embed JBasic in any Java application, applet or bean using the JBasic Runtime Engine. (NOTE: I have received a mail from Mike Lehman referring to some legal stuff that this is not the first embeddable BASIC – if you care about such important notions…)
MaVerickBASIC is an Open Source Multivalue Database Management System. It includes MaVerickBASIC, a DataBasic compatible compiler.
Mapyrus is a BASIC-like language for creating plots of points, lines, polygons and labels to PostScript (high resolution, up to A0 paper size), Portable Document Format (PDF) and web image output formats.