This is a list of programming languages for the Java virtual machine aside of Java itself and for Javascript execution. The source code of a program executed in the Java VM has to have a syntax different to Java to be included in this list. This list is manually compiled from the net. Most of the descriptions are edited parts of the documentation supplied at the respective sites.
This site is no longer maintained, you see a static version as of March 18, 2018. I expect links to break.
This site now integrates the formerly separate site Programming languages for JavaScript. You find all JVM languages as the category JVM Language and all Javascript languages under the category JavaScript language.
For comments and corrections, or to propose something to be included in the list, please send a mail. I do not take any guarantee about the quality of software referenced here. Use at your own risk. I want to say thank you to all those people that pointed me to new systems to include here. It is amazing that not only the authors themselves help to keep this list as complete as possible, but also people that come across something interesting.
Robert Tolksdorf, is-research.