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Category Archives: JavaScript language
papert: a Logo interpreter in JavaScript
Papert is a logo interpreter in JavaScript with turtle graphics.
secowela: Secure Component-oriented web programming language
Secowela is a language for writing web browser applications. It is a compiler language that generates standard JavaScript. Unlike JavaScript Secowela features classes and components. The idea of components is that multiple components from different authors can be embedded on one web page without interfering with each other. The grammar for the language core (without XML and protocol buffers) is in place, the parser works and type checking is almost complete. The JavaScript generator is yet to be done. Secowela is implemented in C# and features a LL grammar.
phype: A JavaScript-based virtual machine for PHP
Phype is a Javascript-based virtual machine that will allow you to run PHP code directly in your browser with <script>-tags.
wForth: A JavaScript Forth Interpreter
wForth is a JavaScript based Forth interpreter. It supports new Forth word creation, standard math operators on integer types only, parameter stack manipulation, infinite loops, do loops, pass data to and from the parameter stack to the return stack, conditionals (if. then.else). as another example, wForth can interact with others aspects of the browser or to hook into Ajax calls to interact with servers.
Lily: Visual programming on JavaScript
Lily is a browser-based, visual programming environment that lets people create programs graphically, without writing code, by drawing connections between data, images, sounds, text and graphics. Lily’s cross-platform, free, open source and is written in JavaScript.
ipplesoftbasic BASIC interpreter in JavaScript
ippleSoft BASIC is a free BASIC interpreter written entirely in JavaScript. The dialect supported is (a large subset of) AppleSoft BASIC.
PEJS: Python Executed by JavaScript
PEJS aims at implementing a Python VM in JavaScript, enabling Python on web pages in browsers.
Biota Language Interpreter
A JavaScript implementation of Ward Cunningham’s Biota language
ArcLite – Arc in JavaScript
An interpreter for the Arc language in Javascript