In the Genyris programming paradigm objects can belong to multiple classes independent from construction. Indentation reduces parentheses yet retains the power of Lisp. External Java libraries can be imported.
Robert Tolksdorf
QuiXProc is an open source implementation of XProc. The authors want QuiXProc to become a mainstream tool to process Structured and Unstructured Data, preserving high quality, high throughput, and low resources consumption.
Ateji PX
Ateji PX is an extension of Java for parallel programs. It adds a || operator for statement and data parallelism and ! and ? operators for message passing. It is implemented as an Eclipse plugin that precompiles the code.
Ceylon is a general-purpose, imperative, statically-typed, block-structured, object-oriented, higher-order language featuring a syntax similar to Java and C#, and a type system based on the notion of principal types. It claims to be a programming language for writing large programs in a team environment, being highly readable, typesafe, and easy to learn for programmers who are familiar with mainstream languages used in business computing. Ceylon has a full-featured Eclipse-based development environment, allowing developers to take best advantage of the powerful static type system. Programs written in Ceylon execute on any JVM.
Quixe: a Glulx VM interpreter written in Javascript
Quixe is a pure-Javascript interpreter for the Glulx IF virtual machine. It can play any Glulx game file (.ulx or .gblorb) in a web browser. It does not require a server component; it runs entirely in the browser.
BiwaScheme is a Scheme interpreter written in JavaScript.
Kotlin is a statically-typed JVM-targeted programming language intended for industrial use.
fun4j is a framework that integrates major concepts from functional programming into the Java Platform. It also provides seamless integration of Java with Lisp coding, by using a lisp-to-bytecode compiler.
A free compiler that translates a subset of Pascal ISO7185 into bytecode for the JVM.
The Virgil Programming Language is designed for building robust, flexible, and scalable software systems on embedded hardware platforms. Virgil builds on ideas from object-oriented, statically typed languages like Java, providing a clean, consistent source language. Its compiler system provides an efficient implementation for resource-constrained environments.